Weekly Classes


10:00am - 1:00pm Advanced Printmaking  “Print Club"  this weekly class focusses on developing your printmaking skills through your own project based work. It is suitable for people that have an understanding of print processes who would like to develop these skills with like minded printmakers £20 per class.

1:30pm - 3:30pm Print Club - all abilities welcome, this class focusses on different processes in a rotation to include Mono printing, Dry point, Lino and Collagraph techniques to develop printmaking skills using your own ideas and images. this class is suitable for all abilities from complete beginners to more advanced  £15 per class.

4:00pm - 5:00pm Children's Art Club for age 6-11 year old’s, this class explores a variety of techniques and processes based a different theme each term activities include drawing, painting printmaking and sculpture. £60 per six week term paid in advance.


10:00am - 12:00pm Vicky's Print Club - this class runs weekly with the chance to be try new things and make new friends. Each week you will explore a variety of  print techniques, no previous experience needed at all and most important this class involves a lot of laughter. £15 per class.

4:15pm - 5:15pm Children's Art Club - for age 6-11 year old’s, this class explores a variety of techniques and processes based a different theme each term activities include drawing, painting printmaking and sculpture. £60 per six week term paid in advance.


10:00am - 12:00pm Vicky’s Art Club - this class runs weekly with the chance to be try new things and make new friends. Each week you will explore a variety of print, drawing and painting techniques no previous experience needed at all and most important this class involves a lot of laughter. £15 per class.

1:00pm - 3:00pm Jack's Drawing Class - exploring 2D media techniques and materials, this class is ideally suited to those that want to develop their drawing, painting skills and will enable you to explore 2D materials in your own practice. This class is suitable for all abilities. £15 per class. 

4:00pm - 5:00pm Children's Art Club - for age 11 plus, this class explores a variety of techniques and processes based a different theme each term, activities include drawing painting printmaking and sculpture. £60 per six week term paid in advance.

6:30pm - 8:30pm Vicky's Print Club - all abilities welcome  this class focusses on different processes in a rotation to include Mono printing, Dry point, Lino and Collagraph techniques to develop printmaking skills using your own ideas and images. This class is also suitable for experienced artists/designers that would like to revisit techniques and processes and use the  facilities like an open access studio to work with like minded artists and designers  £60 for a 4 week block. 


10:00am - 12:00pm Art Class with Liz - this class is suited for those that want to develop their own practice, some previous experience is helpful but not essential. The class will explore a wide range of drawing printmaking and mixed media techniques. £15 per week and includes all materials 

1:15pm - 3:15pm Lucy’s Print Club - all abilities all abilities welcome, this class focusses on different processes in a rotation to include Mono printing, Dry point, Lino and Collagraph techniques to develop printmaking skills using your own ideas and images. £15 per class


10:00am - 1pm Ceramics with artist Clive Soord - this class is suitable for people that share a passion for clay and that would like to explore a range of hand building techniques, such as coiling, modelling and using slab techniques. £100 for 4 weeks includes all materials start date  Friday 23rd February limited to 10 spaces  . 

For more information on any of the above email liz@rockpaperscissors.co.uk or team@rockpaperscissors.co.uk